"The benefits of the accomplished journey cannot be weighed in terms of perfect moments, but in terms of how this journey affects and changes our character."
~Ella Mailllart

What an eventful year it has been, and as sad as I am to see it come to an end, I know the next 3 years would be even more exciting. All the weeks leading up to my travel to the U.S. went in a blur of emotions, most of which were excitement and enthusiasm. Even when I first landed in Chicago and had to haul 4 suitcases all by myself, all I could feel was pride seeing that first stamp on my passport. I reached my dorm room in Cincinnati all exhausted but too excited to fall asleep, but the days that followed were tougher than I thought they would be. As days passed, I missed home more and more, and most of my time went by in being homesick and pining for my family. This was until I decided that it was time to step up and do what I had come here to do.
I made a deliberate effort in building relationships with my professors and peers, and finding the things that I was passionate about. I upskilled my social and professional skills and took on several responsibilities at a time, all while being a part of multiple clubs. During this time, I excelled in my classes and got my first job too, but slowly felt my mental health taking a backseat as I constantly pushed myself to do more and more. While I reached an all time high in my performance, I felt myself overcome by anxiety and stress, and realized that I needed to prioritize my health above all else. I worked on myself and spent more time pursuing activities that made me happy. As the first semester came to a close, I knew that while the first few months were all about adjustment, the second semester was going to be about going all out and getting my name to the forefront.
Come second semester, I knew that the key to good performance and mental health was planning and organization. My planner became my best friend as I attended one business event after another and grew my network. This was also the semester I achieved the things I wanted to since I came to UC. I got my Resident Advisor offer, a perfect 4.0 GPA, more scholarships, the Business Honors board position I wanted to be a part of, and more recognition and appreciation I could even imagine. By the end of the second semester I felt more fulfilled I have ever felt in my entire life. But not because of the tangible things I achieved, but because all the things I learned apart from it too. Be it from realizing my limits, to knowing when to say no, to not falling prey to peer pressure, I have grown up more in this year than ever before.
I came to college with a bucket list of things I wanted to achieve in my time here, but I have slowly come to realize that not everything in life is exactly the way we imagined. The most important thing is to open our heart to possibilities and keeping moving forward with hope and belief that the things that are meant for us, will come to us when we are ready for them. UC has taught me so much about my own self, and I cannot wait to explore more of my personality and fall in love with UC all over again.
